Image Skin Treatments

Image Skin Treatments at Advanced Laser Light — Reverse the visible effects of damage

Image Skin Peels at Advanced Laser Light Cork

IMAGE I-Peel is a chemical peel that can help to reverse the visible effects of damage in two ways. First, it power away dull, dead cells to illuminate the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, clogged pores and blemishes. Then, it supports collagen for firmer-looking skin over time.


Ask your aesthetician which IMAGE chemical peel will best target your skin’s individual needs

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Chemical skin peels offer a range of benefits including anti-aging effects like reducing fine lines and wrinkles, improving skin tone and texture, and addressing issues like hyperpigmentation and acne. They can also brighten the skin, reduce pore size, and enhance the effectiveness of other skincare products by improving absorption. Some peels stimulate collagen production for firmer skin, and many offer the advantage of minimal downtime.

Customisable to individual needs, these treatments should be administered by qualified professionals to ensure safety and effectiveness.

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What are the benefits of Image Skin Peels?

Skin peels can rejuvenate your skin, leaving it looking fresher and more youthful.

Say goodbye to rough patches and uneven skin texture as skin peels help to refine the surface.

Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles for a more youthful appearance.

Skin peels can diminish the visibility of acne scars, giving you smoother, clearer skin. Regular peels can help prevent acne breakouts by unclogging pores and reducing excess oil.

Skin peels can lighten dark spots, sun damage, and hyperpigmentation for a more even skin tone.

Stimulate collagen growth, which is essential for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Skin peels can be adapted to various skin tones and sensitivities and are suitable for all skin types.

Yes, when performed by trained professionals, skin peels are generally safe. It’s important to follow post-peel care instructions for the best results and minimal side effects.

You might experience a tingling or stinging sensation during the peel, which is temporary. The level of discomfort varies based on the depth and type of peel.

Recovery time depends on the type of peel. Superficial peels might require just a day or two, while deeper peels could have a longer downtime of up to a week or more.

The number of sessions varies based on the specific skin concern and the type of peel. Some people see improvement after a single session, while others might require a series of treatments.

Superficial peels typically have minimal downtime, allowing you to resume normal activities immediately. Deeper peels such as the Image MD peels might require more downtime.

Results vary based on the type of peel and your skin’s condition. Generally, you can expect improved skin texture, reduced imperfections, and a more youthful appearance.

Possible side effects include redness, peeling, mild irritation, and sun sensitivity. These effects are temporary and can be managed with proper aftercare.

Yes, skin peels can be combined with other skincare treatments, but it’s important to consult with your therapist to determine the best approach for your skin.

Ready to Book?

Our new Online Booking system makes it quick and easy to create or manage your appointments.

Advanced Laser Light in Cork, Ireland, offers safe and effective Image Skin Peels. With our advanced technology and personalised approach, we aim to help you achieve smooth and flawless skin, boosting your confidence and comfort. 

Remember, it is essential to consult with a qualified professional to get the most accurate information tailored to your specific needs. At Advanced Laser Light, our experienced therapists are experts in their field and can give you the best advise for you particular skin.

Take the first step towards clearer skin by booking a FREE consultation with our experienced team today.

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